Our Services

Our crew management package is designed to relieve the owner of any workload connected with the manning of vessels. Our lump sum crew cost concept provides long term stability in cost center, which accounts for a large percentage of vessels operating costs. The lump sum concept provides guaranteed single foxed monthly fee thus eliminating uncertainty and unexpected increases in manning budget. It also reduces the administrative paper work and expense of processing disbursements and vouchers.  Our lump sum management package includes:


With safety a priority on all our vessels, our crew is carefully selected to meet the particular requirements of individual vessels.  Officers selected by us are highly skilled with many years of experience of running vessels of all types and sizes. Many of them working with us for long period of time building relationship of mutual trust and understanding of the professional standards demanded by our principal.  Our shore based staff consisting of Master Mariners, Chief Engineers, Radio Officers and managers who understand today’s ever changing market. The loyalty demonstrated by BDS personnel indicated once again that it has found the right mix.  Specifically, the company has adopted an overall manning policy which includes sophisticated officers control unit supported by well-trained and proven crew from the East.